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Month: April 2018

Blog #16

My revision strategies sheet is pretty full, and this is so helpful! In the past when I would complete the first draft of a paper, the only revision strategy that I had to turn my rough draft into a final draft is hand my paper to a friend. My friend would then read it and basically skimming, only look for any spelling errors. With all of the revision strategies I learned at UNE, I now feel so much more comfortable and confident when passing a final draft of a paper in. Strategies like in depth peer reviewing, reading my paper out loud to myself, glossing, and so much more, all help me incredibly in writing the best paper that I can write. I may not have another english class at UNE, but I am sure that I will have many classes that will have me writing reports on specific subjects, and with all of these writing skills that I have obtained over the semester, future assignments will be a breeze! (she wrote hopefully). I never would have imagined not stressing when getting a writing assignment. In the beginning of the course, the first assignment scared me, like all writing assignments do, but as I learned more writing and revision strategies throughout the course I felt more and more at ease with each writing assignment given.

Blog #15

Revision strategy:

When I go back and revise my paper, my goal is to end up with of course an A paper, but shoot for at least a B. When I read my paper in the end I want to be completely satisfied and know that I put my best efforts in it. My goal is to have done all that I could to better my essay before passing it in.

To accomplish this goal, I am going to ready myself and dive right into the paper. I am going to read through Armstrong’s essay and really get a refreshed understanding of what he is trying to say, and well as watch The Book of Life’s video again, also reading the transcript to it to know it better. With these ideas fresh in my mind as well as Taylor’s Let’s Talk About Art project I will begin to revise my paper and read through sections my peers as well as myself thought need to be worked on, keeping in mind the supporters of my arguments, helping me make sure that what I am writing about makes sense. Also making sure if what I am writing about has the best evidence it can have behind it.  I feel like finding the right media to fit in just right with parts of my essay will be my challenge. I really want everything to be just right with the entire paper. As an over-thinker, this may be the challenge. I think another challenge of mine will be  making sure that when I am arguing, make sure that I am sticking to my thesis the whole paper.

My resources that I will use to help me make sure that my paper is the best that it can be before I pass it in  and help me with challenges that I may not be able to overcome on my own will be to share my essay with my professor as soon as I can, giving plenty of time to get it back and make changes. I will also look at my last paper and see what I did well on and what I did not to so well on to help guide me to write a good paper and look out for mistakes I may commonly make. I will also reread my peers comments on my paper and keep their critiques in mind as I revise my paper. And for help with the media factor, I will look up more examples online of essays that have media to see what worked for them to potentially inspire me on what to do.


Blog #14

Part 1- Potential Plan/ Brainstorm for Multimedia Essay

With my final essay, I am thinking about not only including photos but also videos to help get my points and arguments across to the reading when they are having a look at my essay. Last class we looked at examples from Wired.com and other websites that had multimedia written essays. Those essays were very inspiring. I think that I will take the idea of beauty being expressing ones self in their own way, maybe with make up, or tattoos, or find other ways people express themselves through themselves/ the way that they look, and incorporate it into video examples that help the reader to understand what it is that they are reading about. Some sources I may use may be make up commercials for example. When I plan to cite those on my works cited page, I will go to websites on the internet that help do it for me, but I will also use my Little Seagull and They Say I Say, books to make sure I’m Citing the right sources in the correct form that they are supposed to be in.

Part 2- Outline For Peer Review

In my third prompt I plan to first write about what I see as beauty and why it is beautiful to me. Then I will connect that to art in saying that they are both ways to express yourself. I will connect the two ideas together also saying that we need both of them or maybe how they can both make us happy in life. I will give naysayer arguments that will only help make my points stronger because I will have points for them too. And I will conclude by basically summing up all that I wrote and connect it to my main idea/thesis of the paper. Throughout the paper I will use the space mode of communication combined with my videos and photos that I will pick to help the reader connect and understand my ideas.

Along with videos and photos that I find to go with/ back up my arguments in my essay I will be using:

What is Art For?” by The School of Life

“La Bella Vita” by John Armstrong

Taylor William’s “Let’s Talk about Art” project


Potential videos:

Image result for makeup evolution(photo)

Blog #13

Exploring Armstrong’s statement, “To regard beauty as a luxury adornment or a social signifier was to miss the true potential of the experience.”.

After reading “La bella vita” I think that Armstrong is trying to say in the quote above that, when putting art up against a background of social media or how/where it fits in with our culture/society and making judgments on it that way is going about it all wrong. Seeing and judging art this way you’re missing the point of the piece. Art is made for a more personal experience, and I strongly agree with this, this is how I interpret most every piece of art I observe. Society is far too judgmental, far too concerned what everyone else’s opinions are before they make their own. With art, be it your own or someone else’s piece, your allowed and endless rage of connections to make with it. This helps it feel important to you. These potential strong and powerful, deep feelings you can obtain when admiring a piece of art can be every kind of amazing and beautiful, this is what I believe Armstrong was implying to be the “true potential experience”. Like Armstrong says literally right in the beginning of his essay, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”. This is the point! It is not about what everyone else thinks this time, art is your connection with it and that’s it! That opinion or idea of art is one held all around the world, it should be more embraced instead of just read and unconsciously agreed with.

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