Revision strategy:

When I go back and revise my paper, my goal is to end up with of course an A paper, but shoot for at least a B. When I read my paper in the end I want to be completely satisfied and know that I put my best efforts in it. My goal is to have done all that I could to better my essay before passing it in.

To accomplish this goal, I am going to ready myself and dive right into the paper. I am going to read through Armstrong’s essay and really get a refreshed understanding of what he is trying to say, and well as watch The Book of Life’s video again, also reading the transcript to it to know it better. With these ideas fresh in my mind as well as Taylor’s Let’s Talk About Art project I will begin to revise my paper and read through sections my peers as well as myself thought need to be worked on, keeping in mind the supporters of my arguments, helping me make sure that what I am writing about makes sense. Also making sure if what I am writing about has the best evidence it can have behind it.  I feel like finding the right media to fit in just right with parts of my essay will be my challenge. I really want everything to be just right with the entire paper. As an over-thinker, this may be the challenge. I think another challenge of mine will be  making sure that when I am arguing, make sure that I am sticking to my thesis the whole paper.

My resources that I will use to help me make sure that my paper is the best that it can be before I pass it in  and help me with challenges that I may not be able to overcome on my own will be to share my essay with my professor as soon as I can, giving plenty of time to get it back and make changes. I will also look at my last paper and see what I did well on and what I did not to so well on to help guide me to write a good paper and look out for mistakes I may commonly make. I will also reread my peers comments on my paper and keep their critiques in mind as I revise my paper. And for help with the media factor, I will look up more examples online of essays that have media to see what worked for them to potentially inspire me on what to do.