1. The Immediate Context: “Necessary Edges: Arts, Empathy, and Education” was first published on the online news and blog website, World-Post, which was launched during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in January of the year 2014. The Author, Yo-Yo Ma, is a very talented artist in the musical department. He has won many awards, proving that he really knows what he is doing. When you really know what you’re doing, you’re usually passionate about it, you understand it, Yo-Yo Ma knows art. No wonder he wrote this essay. He has valid points through experience he can throw in there to prove his ideas.
  2. The Imposed Context: I believe that the imposed context is due to art. In my personal reading experience I noticed myself making many connections what my last essay that I wrote about art. Ii could make many of the same arguments. I believe that the purpose for reading this text was to further expand my beliefs on art and what role does it have to play in the world and in education, not just in a suffering world. I noticed when I was annotating I almost wanted to go back and look at my copy of  Southan’s essay to make some connections. I am getting this over all idea in my head, this voice saying, “Art matters damn it!”.
  3. The Internal Context: I believe that the rhetorical situation, again, is art. That art truly is more than what the eye can see, like I made valid points to in my recent written essay, art is powerful.  The scope, or subject matter of the essay, to me, is like the last sentence question at the end of Ma’s bio page, “Does art have a role to play in the world? In education?” Like, “yeah, Ma, you can play music? So what?” But Ma’s got all these awards up his sleeve, his knowledge, he knows what music can do for people, what it can do to them, what you can learn. Ma knows art and about the important role that it plays. Making connections to art with empathy, which also plays an important role in the world, using this argument to support how important art is!
  4. Three Unfamiliar Words of References to the Gloss: Bolster: “Noun. Anything resembling this in form or in use as support.”- Dictionary.com I think it is used in the text to connect supporting similar ideas together.  Bandwidth: “Noun. Mental capacity; intelligence.”- Dictionary.com In the text i think it is meaning that we as humans only have a small idea and or knowledge about the idea of conditions, because it is used in the sentence, “within a very narrow bandwidth of conditions”. Lemmings: “Noun. A small, short tailed, thickset rodent related to voles, found in Arctic tundra. A person who unthinkingly joins a mass movement, especially a headlong rush to destruction.” – Google Dictionary. In the text I think it’s making a connection to the animal meaning and the myth that they have to run off he edge off cliffs because in the text it is used in the sentence, “the middle will go over the edge like lemmings”.
  5. Reflection: I always enjoy annotating and glossing the text because they both help me understand better what I am reading about. With annotating, I can look back at the margin notes I have written and recall ideas that I had about the reading, helping me understand it better and remember what I had read about. Glossing helps me understand better what I read my understanding new words that I didn’t know before when I was reading, helping me better understand the context of he sentences. Overall I am not great at remember what I have read afterwards, so I can really appreciate having these skills to help me become a stronger reader.