My revision strategies sheet is pretty full, and this is so helpful! In the past when I would complete the first draft of a paper, the only revision strategy that I had to turn my rough draft into a final draft is hand my paper to a friend. My friend would then read it and basically skimming, only look for any spelling errors. With all of the revision strategies I learned at UNE, I now feel so much more comfortable and confident when passing a final draft of a paper in. Strategies like in depth peer reviewing, reading my paper out loud to myself, glossing, and so much more, all help me incredibly in writing the best paper that I can write. I may not have another english class at UNE, but I am sure that I will have many classes that will have me writing reports on specific subjects, and with all of these writing skills that I have obtained over the semester, future assignments will be a breeze! (she wrote hopefully). I never would have imagined not stressing when getting a writing assignment. In the beginning of the course, the first assignment scared me, like all writing assignments do, but as I learned more writing and revision strategies throughout the course I felt more and more at ease with each writing assignment given.